round ligament pain

Thiago Borges/Pexels

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life. It can also be a time of immense discomfort. The ever-increasing hormone levels and the tiny person growing within can cause a host of afflictions that many first-time mothers are not at all prepared for. In case your OB/GYN or mommy friends haven’t already given you the heads up, here are six common pregnancy-related ailments and solutions to help you cope.

Round Ligament Pain

If you thought contractions were the only sharp pains that you had to deal with during pregnancy, think again. Round ligament pain is a highly uncomfortable pregnancy plight caused by your expanding uterus. It can best be described as a sharp sensation near your pelvic area. It is often triggered or worsened by movements such as rolling over in bed, taking the stairs and changing positions (think going from sitting to standing). Some moms have gone as far as to compare RLP to labor pains. The sensation can last for several minutes, several hours or even days in some extreme cases. OB/GYNs are often very reluctant to do anything to treat RLP. Instead, moms are frequently told that it’s a normal part of pregnancy and they will just have to deal. Some of the ways that you can make yourself more comfortable include soaking in a warm bath, putting your feet up, sleeping with a body pillow, and taking an Extra Strength Tylenol. While these remedies won’t make the pain go away, they will make the painful episodes more bearable.

Forever Morning Sickness

Hollywood will have you out here thinking that morning sickness only comes in the morning and only sticks around during the first trimester. While the last part may be true for some, there is a large percentage of moms-to-be who experience nausea and vomiting for the entire nine months of pregnancy. In fact, my nausea and vomiting followed me straight to my labor and delivery room. Thankfully, there’s a lovely little pill called Diclegis that can help to minimize the vomiting.

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