Strong literacy foundations begin at home and they’re built early. You can prevent the likelihood of having a reluctant reader on your hands by reading to your child early and often and also, by exposing to them to books that they can relate to. Books in which they can see themselves. Representation matters.
Everything You Need To Survive The Witching Hour
Knowledge is power. Once we began to learn more about the witching hour, we came to expect it and we prepared for it. Here’s what we learned.
Summer & West Premium Wooden Baby Brush Set
When I gave birth to my daughter, I was surprised to see that she had a head full of tight black curls. Since day one, I was devoted to handling her natural curls with care. I wanted to give her hair the healthy start that many of us did not have the luxury of getting …
“Breastfeed Less, Bottle Feed More:” Why Unsolicited Parenting Advice Is So Rightfully Irritating
Apparently, this relative, who hadn’t even laid physical eyes on my child yet, had determined that her behavior needed “fixing” and that breastfeeding was the culprit.
Study Shows Belief That Black Women Are Innately Strong Is Linked To Depression
As Black women, we take pride in our strength. For many of us, we have no choice but to be strong. And while strength is admirable, data suggests that the “strong Black woman” mentality could potentially be doing us more harm than good. According to Psy Post, carrying the belief that Black women are innately strong …
How Black Boys Are Psychologically Impacted When Law Enforcement Fails To See Them As Children
Black boys as young as 10 are not viewed in the same innocent, childlike light as their white peers by law enforcement. Instead, they are “more likely to be mistaken as older, be perceived as guilty and face police violence if accused of a crime.”
Infant Natural Hair Care Routines
If you want to give your infant’s hair the healthiest start possible, it’s best that you begin implementing a routine early.
Baby Blues Or Postpartum Depression? How To Recognize The Difference
As my phone constantly went off with back-to-back congratulatory text messages, requests for pictures and FaceTime sessions, I felt anger.