The response to my recent review of Aldi diapers, which you can read about here, showed me how curious other cost-conscious mamas are about Aldi’s Little Journey baby brand. I thought it might be helpful to share my experience with other products in the Little Journey Family. We’ve been using Little Journey Organics Baby Food Puree …
We Tested Aldi Diapers For One Month: Here’s What I Observed
This economy is wild, to put it simply. Regardless of tax bracket, most are in search of low-lift ways to trim the fat from their household budget. One personal adjustment I made towards the end of 2023 is switching from ShopRite to Aldi and I couldn’t be more elated with my decision. By way of …
Proven 3-Day Potty Training Hacks For Busy Working Moms
Potty training requires time, patience, and consistency. Add working motherhood to the equation with a traditional 9-5 schedule and you’ve got quite the venture ahead of you. I first began attempting to potty train my oldest daughter, Winter, a little before her first birthday. And in hindsight, I feel that my approach was all wrong, …
Toys That Will Preserve Your Sanity While WFH With A Toddler
Although the coronavirus vaccine is already being distributed in states across the nation, it appears that much of the American workforce will continue to work from home for a large portion of 2021. And if you happen to be the parent of a toddler, that is both a blessing and a curse. It’s no secret …
How To Raise A Resilient Black Girl In A World Plagued By Colorism
Among the many other concerns I have as a parent, one that causes my chest to tighten, my heart to palpitate, and my breathing to grow shallow is how to protect my daughter from being tainted by similar experiences.
On Vanessa Bryant And Mothering Through Grief
Mothering through grief is an especially complex and heartbreaking predicament to be in. As the world seems to fall apart around you, you have to hold it together well enough to not neglect the little lives you’re tasked with caring for.
Stop Forcing Your Kids To Have Relationships With Emotionally Abusive Relatives
If you don’t advocate for your child’s emotional well being or model what healthy relationships look like, who will?
How To Teach Your Little One The ABCs And 123s Of Financial Literacy
Parents often joke about children believing that money grows on trees. But what if we can change that narrative?
What You Ain’t Gon’ Do Is Make My Daughter Self-Conscious About Her Hair Texture
From the moment I learned that I was carrying a girl, I knew that I would go above and beyond to ensure that she loves herself as a Black woman and sees herself as beautiful – regardless of how she chooses to wear her hair.
Tips For Traveling With Small Children From A Travel Expert
Image courtesy of Cassandra, Fit Nerdy Mom The beauty of being in-network with other moms is that they serve as a constant source of inspiration. As a new parent, I shudder at the thought of traveling with my four-month-old; however, I am learning to slowly overcome these fears simply from my connection with fellow mom …